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Hired | May 2022

Featured Article:

WOW Your Interviewer With These Next-Level Nonverbal Communication Tips 

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Lifelong Learning: Why and How to Build This Essential Success Habit 

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9 Rules for a Simpler Day 

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Interview Tip of the Month:

Interview Tip of the Month: Slow...It...Down 

The interview process can be a tense experience, which can increase your rate of speech and cause you to trip on your words. If you tend to talk fast: 

  1. Be intentional about your breathing. Inhale deeply before you speak to gather your thoughts. 

  2. Practice mindful speaking. Maintain a sense of calm and slow your speech just a bit, so your interviewer can understand every word you say without difficulty.  

  3. Get your body language right. Flailing hands and bouncing knees will make you appear nervous and scatterbrained, even if your speaking skills are strong. Practice your poise to ensure your nonverbal communication reinforces your words. 

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